The Couple and Family Therapy Clinic provides services in the following areas for Families, Couples, Individuals, Children and Parents, and Groups:
The clinic operates on a sliding fee schedule. The fee you pay will be based primarily on your income and the number of dependents living in your home. Select your gross annual income below for an estimation of your fee:
Gross Annual Income: Under $15,000
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $20
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $20
Gross Annual Income: $15,001-20,999
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $20
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $20
Gross Annual Income: $21,000-26,999
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $25
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $20
Gross Annual Income: $27,000-32,999
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $25
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $20
Gross Annual Income: $33,000-40,999
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $30
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $25
Gross Annual Income: $41,000-50,999
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $40
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $35
Gross Annual Income: $51,000-60,000
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $45
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $40
Gross Annual Income: $61,000-80,999
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $60
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $55
Gross Annual Income: $81,000 +
Fee with 0-2 dependents living in the home: $80
Feel with 3+ dependents living in the home: $70