Areas of Interest: Early Literacy and Language Development, Self-Regulation, Early Childhood Education, Home Literacy Environment, and Assessment
Dr. Lori Skibbe researches individual differences in the development of early language and literacy skills for children, including those with disabilities. Specifically, she emphasizes: (1) children's literacy development in the context of schools and families, (2) the role of self-regulation in children’s language and literacy achievement, and (3) the development of appropriate techniques for assessing ... early language and literacy skills, capitalizing on new technologies to maximize access for children with a wide range of abilities. Dr. Skibbe’s work has been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences and the Storer Foundation. She is on the editorial boards of Early Childhood Research Quarterly and Early Education & Development. She regularly teaches courses on child development and assessment.
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NICHD Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan
Ph.D. Risk & Prevention in Education Sciences, University of Virginia
M.A. Developmental Psychology, University of Virginia; M.A. Social Sciences, University of Chicago
B.A. Psychology, College of New Jersey