Justice Systems

  • Mass Incarceration and PerSisters (Incarcerated Women) – Partnership with Broad Museum – Public Scholarship (MSU YEP Core Faculty)
  • Michigan Juvenile Justice Compliance and Disproportionate Minority Contact Monitoring Support – Julie Krupa funded by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI)
  • Detroit Community Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Initiative – Julie Krupa and Alaina DeBiasi funded by Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
  • Detroit Ceasefire (violence reduction initiative based on a focused deterrence model) - Julie Krupa (and others), funded by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
  • Detroit Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program (diverts individuals from criminal justice system to community-based, harm reduction intervention) - Julie Krupa funded by BJA
  • Guerra, Nancy and Smith, Emilie Phillips (2006).  Preventing Youth Violence in a Multicultural Society.  Washington, D.C.:  American Psychological Association.
  • Krupa. J. M. (2020). Examining the personal and perceived organizational characteristics associated with juvenile probation staff job satisfaction. Criminal Justice & Behavior. DOI: 10.1177/0093854820977581 (Online first). 
  • Krupa, J. M., & Childs, K. (2014). Trajectories and risk factors of criminal behavior among females from adolescence to early adulthood. Laws, 3(4), 651-673.
  • Wareham, J., Dembo, R., Krupa, J. M., Faber, J., Terminello, A. & Cristiano, J. (2020). Gender differences in an exploratory model of family problems and stress-related experiences among justice-involved youth. Victims & Offenders, 16(6), 819-846. DOI:10.1080/15564886.2020.1850581.
  • Leiber, M. J., Fox, B. H., Escue, M., Krupa, J. M., & Cochran, J. (2020). Race/ethnicity and     the effects of prior case outcomes on current dispositions: Continuity and change in the    dispositional careers of juvenile offenders. Justice Quarterly, 37(5), 789-816.
  • Park, K., Courtney, M., Okpych, N.J. & Nadon, M. (2020). Trends in justice system involvement from Ages 17 to 21. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago. 
  • Smith, Emilie Phillips, Faulk, Monique and Sizer, Monteic (2016).  Exploring the Meso-System: The Roles of Community, Family, and Peers in Adolescent Delinquency and Positive Youth Development. Youth and Society, 48(3), 318-343.  doi: 10.1177/2F0044118X13491581
  • Smith, E. P., Belue, Rhonda, Richardson, Joseph. (2010). Homicide and Violence among African American Youth:  From Epidemic to Endemic? In Ronald L. Braithwaite, Sandra E. Taylor, and Henrie Treadwell (Eds.) Health Issues in the Black Community:  3rd Edition, pp. 133-155.