We are happy to welcome Dr. Linda Halgunseth to the Youth Equity Project as Core Faculty and Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies.  Her research focuses on parenting and children’s health and well-being in African, European, and Latin American families. Dr. Halgunseth is Past Chair of the Latinx Caucus of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).  She received the Early Career Award in Teaching Excellence from AAUP and the Early Career Award in Research from the SRCD Latinx Caucus.



Dr. Linda Halgunseth


We would like to congratulate Dr. Jennifer Cobbina-Dungy on her promotion to Full Professor of Criminal Justice. Dr. Cobbina-Dungy is author of the book Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Why the Protests in Ferguson and Baltimore Matter and How They Changed America. She has served as an expert commentator on community responses to police violence, and inequalities of race/class/gender on CBS News, CBC News, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico.


Dr. Cobbina-Dungy


Dr. Caitlin Cavanagh, faculty in the School of Criminal Justice and the Youth Equity Project Receives Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Award https://cj.msu.edu/news/2021-cavanagh-award.html 

Caitlin recently joined the Lansing School District Board of Education. Congratulations to Cait for her service to the community!


Dr. Cavanagh


Dr. Emilie Smith, wins the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 2021 Advances in Culture and Diversity in Prevention Science Award. https://www.preventionresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/SPR-2021-AWARDS-program-booklet-final-1.pdf.  Dr. Smith has served on the Board of Directors for SPR and is a Fellow of Division 27, Society for Community Research and Action of the American Psychological Association.  She is nationally recognized with numerous highly cited publications, millions of dollars in federally-funded grants, a book volume, book chapters and as a leader in positive development among youth, families, and communities.  


Dr. Emilie Smith