
Campus FallFaculty in HDFS are national leaders in applied prevention and intervention research to improve the lives of children, adolescents, families and marginalized communities.  Our faculty are funded by national funding agencies, including the Administration for Children and Families, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Science Foundation, and the Institute of Education Sciences.

Select cutting-edge funded research in the department includes:

  • Infant and child emotional development
  • Mindfulness practices to reduce teachers’ stress in early childhood settings
  • Sensor technology to understand how children with autism communicate
  • Stress and resiliency intervention in military families
  • Depression risk and intervention in adults
  • Campus sexual assault

We invite you to visit some of our faculty laboratory websites here:

Early Language and Literacy Investigations (ELLI) Lab

Building Early Emotion Skills (BEES) Lab

Family Stress Lab

Insight into Infant's Internal Worlds (IIIW) Lab

Research in Autism and Developmental Disabilities