University Researchers and Instructors
An optimal environment for experiential activities connected to courses in many disciplines. These include:
- Observation of children 6 weeks to kindergarten entrance.
- Participation in a quality early childhood environment
- Design clothing for children
- Work with children demonstrating dance, theater, music
- Design activities to support motor development
- Design outdoor learning environments
- Implement concepts and practice skills learned in your class
Research at the CDL:
A central mission of the Child Development Laboratories is to generate new knowledge regarding child development and early childhood education while training future scholars in the field. The CDLs work to support research experiences for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates across campus in several ways.
For more specific information regarding the various types of research occurring, please browse the following Lab websites:
Early Language and Literacy Investigations (ELLI) Lab
Building Early Emotion Skills (BEES) Lab
Insight into Infant's Internal Worlds (IIIW) Lab
Research in Autism and Developmental Disabilities (RADD) Lab