Please view our Preparedness and Response Plan and email if you have any questions.

Research Application

Research Application Deadlines:

  • Summer research: May 1st
  • Fall research: Aug 21st
  • Spring research: December 1st

Each research project is reviewed by the CDL Research Committee to ensure that the rights of children and families are protected and that the research is practical in this setting.

Applying to Conduct Research at the CDLs:

In order to obtain permission to perform research in the Child Development Laboratories, please follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the CDLs Research Application and email it to Dr. Sarah Douglas & Laurie Linscott ( & Note: If you want to include Haslett as a research site, you must also complete the Haslett Public School’s Research Application form.
  2. The CDL Research will meet shortly after the deadlines above to discuss submitted research proposals. You will be informed of the meeting outcome via e-mail. The CDL Research Assistant will be in contact afterwards to discuss research protocols and begin scheduling.

Once Approval is Obtained:

  1. If approved, the applicant will receive IRB approval from Michigan State University.  Please provide IRB approval documentation to the CDLs in addition to stamped consent forms. IRB guidelines should be followed throughout data collection.
  2. All research assistants for projects will need federal Central Registry Clearance to work with children from the Department of Human Services (Ingham County DHS, 5305 S. Cedar St., Lansing MI), and state ICHAT (Internet Criminal History Access Tool) clearance. The PI (Principal Investigator) or project manager will be responsible for obtaining all of these forms for their research assistants, and then turning them into the CDL Office or e-mail to  All research assistants will need to sign the mandated reporter form, code of ethical conduct, and good moral standards form. These will also be turned in to the CDL RA through the project manager or PI.  See the Required Research Paperwork form for all required documents including a link to our How-To-Guide.  
  3. All research assistants need to familiarize themselves with the CDL RA Handbook.  The final page of the handbook needs to be signed and turned in to the CDL Research Assistant.
  4. Note that verbal assent should be obtained from all children before testing.
  5. Researchers will be expected to present findings from their research annually to the CDL.
  6. Researchers should send verification when presentations or publications using data from the CDL's are accepted to Dr. Sarah Douglas and Laurie Linscott.